Inhabited by an advanced line of androids – Nexians evolved with the unique ability to connect their minds together into a decentralized wireless network called the Framework. In the virtual space of the Framework, Nexians store and share their life experiences in digital logs.
The New Nexus graphic novel series collects the Logs of individual Nexians and follows their stories as they laugh, cry, work, and struggle in the mech world. Some of the Logs will span across several issues while others will be quick snapshots of characters. Some will cross path while others will be observers.
Inhabited by an advanced line of androids – Nexians evolved with the unique ability to connect their minds together into a decentralized wireless network called the Framework. In the virtual space of the Framework, Nexians store and share their life experiences in digital logs.
The New Nexus graphic novel series collects the Logs of individual Nexians and follows their stories as they laugh, cry, work, and struggle in the mech world. Some of the Logs will span across several issues while others will be quick snapshots of characters. Some will cross path while others will be observers.